New Chapter

Created by Samantha 15 years ago
I don't really know where to for the moment i'll tell you the last year of my Mum's short life. It started in March 2003 when she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and we were all devasted as a family. She started the Chemo and her hair started to fall out, so one day she woke up and saw a lot of hair on her pillow and decided to just shave the rest off, which i thought was very brave. Over the next couple of months the Chemo was working but not to the doctors satisfaction, so a Mastectomy was arranged and she had her right breast removed in the August of 2003. She then went on to have more Chemo and we all thought that this would be the end of it all, but unfortunately the Cancer came back more aggressive this time and Mum was diagnosed with Secondary Invasive Cancer of the Lung and Stomache and the doctors told us that it was at that stage Terminal and that there was nothing more that could be done and to hear those words was the most the most sickening sound, i'd ever heard up to that point in my life. She was a fighter, i'll give her that, but sadly she lost her fight on November 8th 2003, from being diagnosed in the March of the same year. She was only 52.